A Little Bit of Pride

Back in the days before Paleo I made a rainbow birthday cake for The Boy – as rainbow cakes go it wasn’t the best made, if you google you will see some real beauties. All the same I was rather proud of it. The Pride season was coming up and I thought it would be a cool thing to use for a t-shirt for anyone attending a march, indeed my friend Helen bought one, and some badges, to wear to the Edinburgh Pride.

I’d completely forgotten about my little spread shirt shop until I saw a rainbow cake on my instagram feed the other day, so I figured it was time to dig it out again because, even if it’s not paleo, the cake shirt is pretty cool I think. See what you think…


They’re quite cute arent they? The daughters came up with a cool design that makes a great gym shirt, and there are a couple of other designs on there too, including a lone ape,  but we do need to come up with some paleo options which could be fun!